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UNIOSUN alumni elections: Arisilejoye boasts to have achieved his objectives despite oppositions

UNIOSUN alumni elections: Arisilejoye boasts to have achieved his objectives despite oppositions

The electoral committee chairman of the just concluded Uniosun alumni elections has taken to social media platforms particularly the WhatsApp group of the association to appreciate his team for achieving the set out objectives. In his celebratory message, reproduced below he reels out remarks on the apparent failure of those perceived to have been opposed to the success of the exercise he was responsible to oversee:


It was cloudy from the beginning and we hoped that the sky to become clearer sooner or later. Unfortunately, when it was almost dawn, the darkness overpowered breaking of the dawn.

Several people used the opportunity of darkness to shoot different arrows at us but our unity and resolute minds provided us an unbreakable shield.

They tried as much as possible to divide and rule us, but we already anticipated the moves and made a barricade. At the centre of every decision was the progress of our association. Uncountable are the sacrifices you made to ensure the success in this election. Despite our differences, we sailed through the darkest hour and crossed to the broad day light.

Election was conducted, success was recorded. In fairness, post election complaints are expected even from those who believed they are greater than the guidelines of the process or those who believed a blind eyes should be turned to the pronouncement of the Constitution of this great association. They are all welcome.

Some threatened us with different things, ranging from phone conversation recordings, petition and all sorts. We were not bothered and remained unrattled.

We focused on the course and saw their moves before they made them. We ensured we stand by the principles, law and regulations of this election in line with the letters of the constitution of our association.

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The commitment and firmness of this Electoral Committee give me a high hope for this association in particular and Nigeria in general. It was nice working with you all and I want to thank you all very specially for the job well done. God bless you.

Arisilejoye Azeez Ade
2024 OSUAA Electoral Chairman

The electoral commitee completed its assignment last Saturday by announcing winners for the 2024 elections. A tribunal was setup to hear petitions from aggrieved parties.

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